Saturday, October 23, 2010

Wage Slave

I have been a wage slave for several years now for a company who is taking advantage of the economy to take advantage of their employees.  They very rarely hire or promote workers to full time positions because they do not want to pay benefits.  They are cutting costs by not replacing very many of the employees who are terminated or quit.  Therefore, the employees that stay have to pick up the extra work load of those employees that no longer work there.  The management gives lip service to how they appreciate what we do, but they are just words.  They talk the talk, but don't walk the walk.  I know I am tired of being a wage slave, but because of the economy any job is better than no job.  Right now I am not sure.  How many of us put up with the employer who tells you that you should be thankful you have a job?  Talk about cohersive.

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